Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Soulfully Delighted Lifestyle

This blog is a gift to me. A means to inspire myself. A means expressing my dreams, my thoughts, my fears. A means to connect with the Goddess within me. A way to really move forward to what I deem would be a soulfully delightful lifestyle. What exactly does that mean? I believe the definition would be different for everyone, but in essence it's when you are feeling alive, full of joy and happiness. Bursting with creativity and energy. When you feel most like yourself...not what you think you should be, but your authentic self, which can only emanate from the soul. Life becomes a pleasurable experience, even you past mistakes no longer have a hold on you. You are no longer confined to the limitations of society's outdated beliefs of what it means to be successful. Simply put, whatever put's the "joie de vivre" in your life, that extra pep in your step, that is what soulfully delighted means.

To be delighted means to nurture yourself, to express the beauty of your soul - your talents your gifts, to follow your passions, to invest in your dreams, to empower yourself, to be creative and play more in your life, to see yourself as a beautiful expression of God. I must admit that I have never allowed myself these pleasures. Well maybe sometimes, but only a brief moment. I'm pretty much was uptight as they come. I used to think my accomplishments actually made me better than some, and that they were my identity. I was doing what I thought society would accept, always seeking approval from others. Always the nerd girl with the straight A's. The pretty girl. It never matter what I thought about myself, which wasn't much. And when that perception of myself was cracked and shattered, I was left standing vulnerable with no confidence that I could ever succeed. So much so that the fear of failure and rejection and stopped me dead in my tracks from finding fulfillment in my life.

I had an experience that, although hurtful and left me again vulnerable, was an eye-opening experience for me that I consider a gift. I realized how I let the fear of living kept from doing alot of things. It didn't help seeing all my friends having the time of their lives, and I'm just sitting letting life slowly drift on by. That left me embarrassed and sad at my and instead of communicating that to my friend, I got so emotional for him asking questions that provoked me to take a harder look at myself that that I pushed him away for making him uncomfortable. But the experience definitely shoke me up so much that I knew I needed to change or I will still be stuck in the same cycle for another 10 years.

As I stated in the beginning, this blog is a gift to myself, to open up to new experience and to allow myself to discover my soulfully delightful life. I know I am much capable of more, and I want to stop hiding from myself and express my truth and my inner radiance. I let all kinds of fears stop me, and I mean all kinds. You know you are ready for change when your desires are stronger than your fears, and seeing that I am nearing 30 years old in the next 5 months, I don't want to be at 40 having not lived life to the fullest. Life is short, and you start to notice how short it is as the birthdays fly by quicker then when you were still in elementary school. I'm excited and scared at the new adventure that I'm embarking on. I'm hope you enjoy the blog/diary and hope it inspires you to live soulfully delighted, no matter what stage in life you are at.


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